
第1級 TBCL1

General Description

Able to understand and use simple words and phrases relating to one’s daily life.
It contains 246 Chinese characters, 396 words, 6 affixes, and 15 grammar points.


Able to understand information conveyed through the use of simple words and phrases and having to do with one’s personal life.

L-1-1 能聽懂簡單的數量名稱(數字、價錢、時間)。
         Able to understand simple numbers and quantities (numbers, prices, time).

L-1-2 能聽懂以簡單字詞介紹的個人相關資訊(國籍、住址、學經歷、家庭狀況)。
Able to understand information conveyed through the use of simple words and phrases and having to do with one’s personal life (nationality, address, education, work experience, family situation).
L-1-3 能聽懂生活常用的簡單詞彙及短語(打招呼、謝謝、對不起)。
Able to understand simple words and short phrases often used in everyday life (greetings, thanks, apologies).


Able to convey information having to do with oneself, using simple words and phrases.

S-1-1 能說出簡單的數量名稱(數字、價錢、時間)。
Able to say simple numerical terms (numbers, prices, time).
S-1-2 能以簡單字詞描述自己的特徵(五官、體型、穿著)及介紹個人相關資訊(國籍、住址、學經歷、家庭狀況)。
Able to use simple words and phrases to describe one’s own personal characteristics (facial features, body type, clothing) and convey basic personal information (nationality, address, education and work experience, family situation).
S-1-3 能以簡單的字詞表達社交問候和感謝。
Able to use simple words and phrases to say greetings and express thanks.


Able to read simple words and instruction having to do with one’s personal life.

R-1-1 能讀懂簡單的數量名稱(數字、價錢、時間)。
Able to read simple numbers and quantities (numbers, prices, time).
R-1-2 能讀懂個人相關的簡單字詞(國籍、住址、學經歷、家庭狀況)。
Able to read simple words and phrases having to do with personal information (nationality, address, education, work experience, family situation).
R-1-3 能讀懂社交的問候語與感謝語(請、謝謝、對不起)。
Able to read social greetings and expressions of thanks (please, thank you, sorry).


Able to use simple words and phrases to write descriptions and explanations relating to one’s personal life.

W-1-1 能摹寫簡單的字詞。
Able to copy out simple words and phrases.
W-1-2 能書寫簡單的數量名稱(數字、價錢、時間)、姓名、國籍等常見的表格內容。
Able to write out simple numbers and quantities (numbers, prices, time), one’s name, nationality and other information needed to fill out common forms.