Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language(簡稱TBCL)
臺灣的華語文教學深具口碑,惟缺乏適合華語非母語人士學習華語需要的能力指標及分級標準。有鑒於此,教育部請國家教育研究院邀請學者專家進行研發,並召開超過百場學者專家諮詢會議討論,歷時6年完成臺灣華語文能力基準(Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language,簡稱TBCL)。
Although Taiwan has a good reputation in the field of teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language, there is still a lack of proficiency level descriptors and grading scales that meet the learning needs of non-native Chinese speakers. In view of this, National Academy for Educational Research (MOE think tank) invited scholars and experts to conduct researches, and held more than 100 consultation meetings to discuss and accomplished Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language (TBCL) in six years.
The TBCL sets out seven levels of Chinese language proficiency in the five skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. It also includes lists which contains 3,100 Chinese characters(open in new window, Chinese only), 14,425 words(open in new window, Chinese only), and 496 grammar points(open in new window, Chinese only) for leaners of level 1 to 5.
本能力基準已與國際指標接軌:完成與美國外語教學委員會(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language, ACTFL)及歐洲共同語文參考架構指標(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR)的等級對應。從TBCL與CEFR的對應上,發現在聽力、閱讀及寫作,TBCL的第1級(另開新視窗)及第2級(另開新視窗)都在CEFR的A1以下;在口說,TBCL的第1級(另開新視窗)在CEFR的A1以下;顯示TBCL確實符合深具華語文特性及為華語非母語人士學習需要的能力基準。
The TBCL has been designed to fully align with ACTFL and CEFR levels. The correspondence between TBCL and CEFR shows that in listening, reading, and writing skills, the level 1(open in new window) and 2(open in new window) of TBCL are lower than CEFR A1; in speaking, the level 1 (open in new window) of TBCL is lower than CEFR A1. The results reveal that the TBCL complies with the Chinese language characteristics and meets learning needs of non-native speakers.
本成果已建置華語文語料庫與標準體系整合應用系統(網址為https://coct.naer.edu.tw/),可作為華語文教師教材編撰、教學和評量、華語文學習者自主學習、華語文教材編者編撰教材及華語文能力測驗(Test of Chinese as Foreign Language, TOCFL)等應用。
Corpus of Contemporary Taiwanese Mandarin (COCT) and TBCL integration applications portal website is built (https://coct.naer.edu.tw/) for the application to teaching material compilation, teaching and evaluation for Chinese language teachers, self-directed learning for Chinese learners, teaching material compilation for Chinese language teaching material editors, and Test of Chinese as Foreign Language (TOCFL).