第4級 TBCL 4

整體描述 General Description 面對周遭場域,能理解較長段落、熟悉主題的對話、演說、討論及視聽媒體的內容。能以連貫句群表達情感與觀點,進行討論與演說。
包含499個漢字、1,415個詞語、15個類詞綴、149個語法點。 1-4級總計1,300個漢字、2,669個詞語、40個類詞綴、390個語法點。
In various situations, able to understand lengthy discourses on familiar topics, whether the discourse is in the form of a conversation, speech, discussion, or audiovisual media content. Able to express one’s feelings, state one’s point of view, have a discussion, and give a speech, using connected sentence clusters.
It contains 499 Chinese characters, 1,415 words, 15 affixes, and 149 grammar points. A total of 1,300 Chinese characters, 2,669 words, 40 affixes, and 390 grammar points from level 1 to 4.

In various situations, able to understand lengthy spoken discourse, whether the discourse is in the form of a conversation, speech, discussion, or audiovisual media content.
  • L-4-1 能聽懂較長段落的對話之主要訊息與特定細節。
    Able to understand the main information and specific details of a rather lengthy conversation.
  • L-4-2 能聽懂並掌握以較長段落陳述的說明、指示及熟悉主題演說的重點。
    Able to fully understand rather lengthy explanations and/or instructions, and the main points of a discourse on a familiar topic.
  • L-4-3 能聽懂並掌握以較長段落呈現之感興趣視聽節目之內容重點。
    Able to fully understand the main content of rather lengthy audiovisual programs that one finds interesting.
  • L-4-4 能聽懂以較長段落表達的熟悉主題、非正式討論之觀點。
    During an informal discussion, able to understand the main points of a familiar topic, conveyed using somewhat lengthy paragraphs.
  • L-4-5 能聽懂以較長段落表達的熟悉主題、正式討論之觀點。
    During a formal discussion, able to understand the main points of a familiar topic, conveyed using somewhat lengthy paragraphs.

Through the use of connected sentence clusters, able to describe personal feelings, experiences, and points of view; and to have a conversation, describe a point of view, give a speech, and have a discussion.
  • S-4-1 能以連貫的句群敘述經歷、感受、理想或願景。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to describe personal experiences, feelings, ideals and hopes.
  • S-4-2 能以連貫的句群對熟悉的話題即興發表看法,並與他人交談。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to state one’s point of view on a familiar topic spontaneously, and to have a conversation with others.
  • S-4-3 能以連貫的句群,對聽眾表達觀點,並回答簡單的問題。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to state one’s point of view to an audience, and to respond to simple questions.
  • S-4-4 能以連貫的句群清楚敘述一本書或電影的情節。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to clearly describe the plot of a book or movie.
  • S-4-5 能以連貫的句群說明自己的觀點、計畫及預計採取的行動。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to state one’s own viewpoint, plan, or expected course of action.
  • S-4-6 能以連貫的句群,就熟悉的主題表達贊同或反對的意見與理由。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to express agreement or disagreement concerning a familiar topic, and to state one’s reasons.
  • S-4-7 能以連貫性的句群參與自己熟悉的專業領域之正式討論,並陳述觀點。
    Using connected sentence clusters, able to participate in formal discussions, and to describe one’s own viewpoints on professional subjects that one is familiar with.

Able to understand the feelings and main points conveyed by articles written in paragraph form.
  • R-4-1 能理解以段落陳述的事件與感情(信件、公告、通知)。
    Able to read and understand descriptions of events and feelings presented in paragraph form (such as letters, public announcements, and notices).
  • R-4-2 能理解常見書面資料(宣傳冊子和簡短的文件)的相關訊息。
    Able to read and understand relevant information found in common written texts (such as brochures and short documents).
  • R-4-3 能理解以段落呈現之文章所傳達的主要觀點與結論。
    Able to read and understand the main points and conclusion of an article presented in paragraph form.

Able to use connected sentence clusters to convey the content of a topic that one finds interesting.
  • W-4-1 能以連貫性的句群,清楚地表達個人的情感、經驗。
    Able to clearly convey one’s personal feelings and experiences, using connected sentence clusters.
  • W-4-2 能以連貫性的句群,清楚地寫出影音或文章內容的訊息大意。
    Able to clearly state the main idea of an audiovisual program or of an article, using connected sentence clusters.
  • W-4-3 能以連貫性的句群,就公共、學校或教育場域的熟悉主題,清楚的寫出自己的看法與觀點。
    Able to clearly state one’s own viewpoints on familiar topics relating to the public, academic, and educational domains, using connected sentence clusters.

Able to translate personal information and information relating to one’s daily life, using simple and complete sentences. The translated text is generally clear and conveys information pretty close to that of the original.
  • T-4-1 能以簡單完整的句子翻譯與周遭場域有關的社交活動內容。
    Able to translate content relating to social events in one’s surroundings, using simple and complete sentences.
  • T-4-2 能以簡單完整的句子翻譯簡短的信件內容(感謝、道歉、祝賀、道別)。
    Able to translate short messages found in letters (such as thank-you, apology, congratulatory, and farewell letters), using simple and complete sentences.
  • T-4-3 能以簡單完整的句子翻譯簡短的電話留言或告示內容。
    Able to translate short telephone messages and/or announcements, using simple and complete sentences.